From: Eddie Achtem
Cc: Miles Weatherall ;Registry-Greffe
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 10:09 AM
Subject: Fw: Attached is the Order -for Medicne hat QB 4808-009302
QB: 4808-9302
Appeal No. 0701-0232AC
SCC: 32805
Achtem v Achtem
To TMS-Regional:
Since there is still a major segment of verbatim missing, I require the audio of the I need the audio recordings for the Pre-trial which is less than 45 minutes on March 31, 2007. And I need the recording for aprox 6 hour on May 17, 2007.
I am assuming your going to alter the recordings or most probably the recording for the Trial has been altered before you had recieved it from the Medicine Hat Judicial District. So I'm going to take the recordings to be anylised by a recording expert claiming he will provide me with the proof that it's been altered, if altered. After I get the proof I will proceed to file an RCMP police complaint, and bring it to it to my MP, MLA, and the PM, and Premier. Because I know that verbatim is still missing, from those transripts and I will find out why...
Indeed it was altered. I feel somebody or a few someone's in Medine Hat is a criminal(s), responsible for maniplulating my case. Since you will only provid me a burn-copy, were is the original recording disc?
I cannot print of the Court Order Mile Weatherall sent me yesterday. Please accept the Order that was attached from Mile's e-mail. The Order is attached to Miles's e-mail.
How $$much$$ will this be? You already quoted me $10 dollars just for the 6 hour Trial on 1 disc. I want both the Pre-trial and Trial.
Above is to TMS-Regional and below the line is a Complaint sent to Steven Harper, Linda Duncan, Ed Stelmac, Gene Zwozdesky and CJC.
Supreme Court of Canada Judges Ian Binnie, Rosalie Siberman Abella, Louise Charron, are criminals that Committed Judicial Fraud when judging my case to Protect their Western Canadian Collegues Judicial FRAUD, because the 3 Judge appeal Panel came up with a fictional judgment. I have been victimized by the the judges for committing Judicial fraud to me. The 3-judge appeal panel stated in their judgement exhibits were adduced that could not be adduced, pursuant to Alberta Rule of Court 158.5(1)(e) – [Exhibit #7]. The 3-judge appeal panel - Carole Conrad, Peter Martin, and Alexander Park came of with a BS fictional reasons of judgment stating many more things other thans just stating new exhibits were adduced. I was deprived Sections 6 and 28 of the "Canada Evidence Act". These dam Judges committed fraude and me and my family are the Victims. Supreme Court of Canada Judges Ian Binnie, Rosalie Siberman Abella, Louise Charron, are criminals that Committed Fraud when judging my case to Protect their Western Canadian Collegues false intrigities because the 3 Judge appeal Panel came up with a fictional judgment. I have been victimized by the the judges for committing fraud to me. The 3-judge appeal panel stated in their judgement exhibits were adduced that could not be adduced, pursuant to Alberta Rule of Court 158.5(1)(e) – [Exhibit #7]. Therefore the 3-judge appeal panel - Carole Conrad, Peter Martin, and Alexander Park came of with a BS fictional reasons of judgment stating many more things other thans just stating new exhibits were adduced. I was deprived Sections 6 and 28 of the "Canada Evidence Act". These Judges committed Judicail fraud and Thus thowing me and my family into a pit of poverty. Me and my family are victims of Judical FRAUD.
Ian Binnie, Rosalie Siberman Abella, Louise Charron, Carole Conrad, Peter Martin, and Alexander Park are criminals that belong in JAIL doing HARD TIME times 3. Because of them being in a trust positions as judges. Karen Horner deserves to be kicked of the Bench for depriving me of the Sections 6.(1), 6(2), 28(1), and 28(2) of the Canada Evidence Act C-5, and for not being well versed on the Trial Parameters.
Since I was a witness in the witness box, who is suppored to Respect me and the integity of the Canada Evidence Act C-5?
If I could go back to the year 2003, to inform myself that so many judges victimize depriving so many justice on a mass scale for committing JUDICIAL FRAUD. By stepping over the boundaries of Law and/or the Rules of Court. Then the 2003 me would scream at the post 2004 me and say, "You're crazy, go get your head checked. That cannot happen in our country!"
Eddie Achtem
8751 - 96 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6C-2B1
Ph: 780-628-7295
You Tube:
CC: via e-mail Jpeg version sent to Mrs. Rhonda Sails/Ms. Achtem
CC'd: RCMP "K" division H.Q. via fax number 780-412-5508
CC: Court of Appeal of Alberta, Calgary via fax number 403-297-5294