Alison Redford, Ed Stelmac, & Normand Sabourin - CJC are Ploying a Cover-up of Judges FRAUD

SCC Judges Ian Binnie, Rosalie's Siberman Abella's, Louise Charron's, committed Judicial FRAUD to Protect their Collegues from committing Judicial FRAUD. Because the 3 Judge appeal Panel came up with a fictional judgment. Carole Conrad, Peter Martin, and Alexander Park came of with a BS fictional reasons of judgment stating many more things other thans just new exhibits I was AMBUSHED with were adduced. which could not be adduced.

Alison Redford has already committed the act of a Government Cover-up

Yes she has done a cover-up already with many other of her blood relatives, and her buddies.   Alison Redford and the entire PC and Liberal parties have carried out a government cover-up of me and my 2nd family, my 4 year old daughter of her's and doug Horner's Cousin Justice Karen Horner who has victimized me in the witness box at Trial.
To see the complete updated story please go to;  


Sent to
To: Senators: Tommy Bank, Bert Brown, Joyce Fairbairn, Elaine McCoy, Grant Mitchell, Claudette Tardif, Anne C. Cools.

To: PM Steven Harper, MP-Linda Duncan, Premier- Ed Stalmac, MLA-Hugh MacDonald.

To: Minister of Justice and Attorney Genera of Alberta -Alison Redford

To: Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada - Robert Nicholson

QB: 4808-9302
Appeal No. 0701-0232AC
SCC: 32805 Achtem v Achtem
Dear Sirs/Madames,

I have been deprive Justice because of judge stepping over the boundaries of Law and the Rules of Court. I am requesting that you all view the internet version of, Because I need you all to view the Hyper links as well. If I was to fax this it would be too much. Viewing the internet version of this makes my presentation niffy, and prevents you from have too much paper to sift through. The internet version of this is formatted differently to accommodate Blogspot parameters, but the text is the same. After reading this please view the blog version at,

The PM's office I was told that It does not block anyting so this email hyperlink formatted

Included with this is an e-mail I attempted to send, the email domain prohibits text with the word FRAUD from reaching you. Which is the reason why I set this up in Blog form for you all the view

These Judges belong in JAIL.

Supreme Court of Canada Judges Ian Binnie, Rosalie Siberman Abella, Louise Charron, are criminals that Committed Judicial Fraud when judging my case to Protect their Western Canadian Colleagues Judicial FRAUD, because the 3 Judge appeal Panel came up with a fictional judgment. Carole Conrad, Peter Martin, and Alexander Park came of with a BS fictional Memorandum of Judgment which was a FRAUD. Stating many more things other than just stating new exhibits I was AMBUSHED with were adduced, for which they could not be adduced.

I have MS resulting in brain damage, and I was ambushed with exhits at Trial, that could not be adduced. Therefore, other than me being deprived of Sec. 6 and 28 of the Canada Evidence Act C-5. The Fresh Exhibits were not with Trail Parameters. As it was agreed at Pre-trial. Well the agreement was not an agreement just vague instructions of what Justice Rawlins told the parties to Bring, Pursuant to Civil Practice Note 5 - Family Law Pre-trial Conferences. Old e-mail do not track or trace how my houses that were bought and sold and where it all went.
I have MS resulting in brain damage, and I was ambushed with exhits at Trial, that could not be adduced. Therefore, other than me being deprived of Sec. 6 and 28 of the Canada Eveidence Act C-5. The Fresh Exibits were not within Trail Parameters. As it was agreed at Pre-trial. Well the agreement was not an agreement just vague instructions of what Justice Rawlins told the parties to Bring, Pursuant to Civil Practise Note 5 - Family Law Pre-trial Conferences. Old e-mail do not track or trace how my houses that were bought and sold and where it all went.

Trial Parameters:

Justice Rawlins at Pre-trial gave a description of what documents to bring. See the transcript page 31 line 21 of the transcript – (Exhibit #6a), "All we care about is the numbers" Page 34, line 46 and 47 of the transcript – (Exhibit #6b) Justice Rawlins stated. "All your disclosure should be there." Page 35, line 1 to 4 of the transcript – (Exhibit #6c), Justice Rawlins instructed to the parties, "I guess whatever documentation you have, to trace funds is what you’re going to need to show the trial judge. Okay Trace the funds from however many houses you all bought and where it all went. Okay?" Justice Rawlins gave Exhibit instructions, and moments later both parties acknowledged and Pre-trial ended. (Exhibit #6d) Page 37, line 20 to 30, Mr. Achtem states, “The bottom line is it’s the numbers, it’s based on the numbers” Then Justice Rawlins replies, “Yes.” Then Justice Rawlins looks at Ms. Achtem and questions, “Okay are we done then? We’re finished?” Then Ms. Achtem replies, “Yes, Your Honour.”
The AMBUSH of Exhibits that were not within Trial Parameters Threw me off kilter Taken from:

1#-----Mr. Achtem is arguing, that Justice Horner’s Judgement is erroneous. Because Ms. Achtem takes 94.5% of all the matrimonial assets and Mr. Achtem only get 5.5%. Mr. Achtem’s argument is Justice Horner was the only one at Trial that had access to the Pre-trial transcript, and she has a duty to be well versed with it. Justice Horner failed to fulfil her duties as a Judge by neglecting the Trial parameters pursuant to Civil Practise Note 5 – Family Law Pre-trial Conferences. [(Exhibit #1, page 41), a Filed copy of Civil Practise Note 5, Family Law, from Mr. Achtem’s Pre-trial Summary]. Not like the Memorandum of Judgement from the Court of Appeal of Alberta, Calgary which is a Fraud.

20#----Mr. Achtem was confused by a sudden presentation of Exhibits and then a march to the witness box. The Exhibits were not within the Trial parameters. Ms. Achtem failed to inform the Court that her exhibits were not within the parameters, ande her exhibits COULD NOT be adduced at Trial. If Mr. Achtem had been made aware, he would have entered further exhibits as well. Mr. Achtem had to undergo cross-examination over Exhibits he had no understanding of e-mails he had not seen in over 2.5 years. It was not until after Trial did Mr. Achtem become aware of of these e-mails to be bona fide e-mails sent by him.

21#----As a result of Justice Horner’s Judgement. Ms. Achtem received funds from the proceeds of sale of the Calgary home which was factored into Mr. Achtem’s Exhibit tab 2A1, but what both parties received from the Calgary home has Ms. Achtem received a home with a substantially higher deposit and a shorter 13 year term mortgage on separation day was not factored into Exhibit 2A1. Mr. Achtem only walks away with credit card debt and debt with Canada Revenue Agency. Then Ms. Achtem walks away with all cash on hand, leaving Mr. Achtem in a critical state of financial destitution without providing the essentials of life. Mr. Achtem’s wife left him because of his deteriorating condition caused by MS.

22#----Mr. Achtem was in a much worse state then of just being unemployed, at the time of separation. Mr. Achtem owned and operated a failing company that had no financial resources. The company was barrelling into bankruptcy. Mr. Achtem was left abandoned with a money pit of a fixer upper investment home. Ms. Achtem drove Mr. Achtem into poverty after separation day, July 23, 2003. Mr. Achtem was left abandoned in a destitute financial state/situation. Mrs. Achtem left him in a deteriorating physical condition because of MS attacks. Mrs. Achtem refused to pay her lawful husband spousal support, and she was refusing to provide her husband the bare necessities of life. Not even 3 months after separation Mr. Achtem was left abandoned in an even greater financial disadvantage by Mrs. Achtem. Not even 3 months later. Mr. Achtem relapsed with a severe MS attack which rendered him unemployable and disabled for more than 5 months, from October 21, 2003 to until about sometime in March 2004. Mr. Achtem became employed again May 10, 2004.

23#----[See (Exhibit 2K) Mr. Achtem’s Medical information from the Appellant’s Appeal Books.] Mr. Achtem claims that his long-term memory is well intact, but his short-term memory has worsened since before he was first diagnosed with MS, it has been medically documented ever since 1999. The Courts have been informed of this and Ms. Achtem knew this as well. Both Justice Horner and Ms. Achtem at Trial failed to accommodate for Mr. Achtem’s memory incapacities. Instead they used it to assault Mr. Achtem. There is no cure for MS. MS can affect brain memory, how one feels, and thinks. Mr. Achtem has to have all information put into his long-term memory, as he is unable to rely on his short-term memory.

30#----After the sale of the Calgary home Ms. Achtem did take $25,466.58 in assets which is cash. But since whatever equity Ms. Achtem received in the Medicine Hat home we will now include that. So that will bring what Ms. Achtem received up to $70,466.58 and she incurred one liability of (-$2,000.00) which was credit card debt. Then Mr. Achtem $18,167.51 in assets (cash), and he incurred (-14,416.39) of liabilities. Therefore Ms. Achtem gets a total of $68,466.58 and Mr. Achtem only gets $3,751.12. So Ms. Achtem takes 94.5% of all the matrimonial assets and Mr. Achtem only get 5.5% of all assets by the time Justice Horner has divided matrimonial assets. Mr. Achtem’s argument here is that Justice Horner’s division was not equitable. This is also not considering Rhonda still has to pay spousal support.

31#----Mr. Achtem was confused by the ambush and thus failed to enter any supporting Exhibits to support his Exhibit 2A1 Statement of Division since the separation. This was entered into evidence before the ambush when Mr. Achtem was the first to be questioned by the Court in the witness box at the beginning of Trial. See (Exhibit #10) transcript page 99, line 30 to 39. Justice Horner questioned Mr. Achtem, “You and Miss – you received what and Miss Achtem received what?” Mr. Achtem replies, “Well, it shows that I received, if you look on the very first page, Exhibit 2A1 on the statement of division of assets since separation.” Then Justice Horner states, “Okay.” Then Mr. Achtem replies, “If you show – it shows all the assets, liabilities –“Then Justice Horn cuts Mr. Achtem off and states, “no, I’m just going by this statement of accounts here.” Then Mr. Achtem directs Justice to the proper statement again because she was looking at the wrong document again. See (Exhibit #10, page 115) Trial transcript page 101, line 17 to 25, Justice Horner states, “Sorry I’m at tab 2A2 and I say – it says a statement of assets, liabilities and exemptions.” Then Mr. Achtem replies, “No, it’s actually tab 2A1.”

32#----After it became ambush time, then view the first 2 page of Exhibit 3 (page 59 & 60), page 109 and page 110, Trial transcript. Please make careful observation here to get a feeling for sense of the time of how fast Mr. Achtem was served Ms. Achtem’s Exhibits to the time Mr. Achtem was marched to the witness box having to answer to exhibits he knew nothing about starting from the bottom of page 109, line 45 of the transcript in states in bold type; “*EXHIBIT 2 – Bundle of documents, “A” to “R”” Then look at the top of page 110 of the transcript, it states in bold type, “*The Defendant cross-examines the witness” See (Exhibit #3, page 109 & 110). After a complete observation, but not without having read the entirety of this application a few times first; What is your feeling to, how long did it take Ms. Achtem to ambush Mr. Achtem? How many minutes do you feel it took? And how much review time did Mr. Achtem get before being questioned about e-mail he sent over 2.5 years ago and he had not seen them in over 2.5 years?

33#----Mr. Achtem’s intention was to enter all the supporting documents to this Exhibit 2A1, page 131. After Mr. Achtem was questioned by the Court. He was then ambushed. Therefore, he became confused and this caused him to fail to enter alot of his exhibits to support his Exhibit 2A1 - Statement of Division of assets since separation. Mr. Achtem was questioned by the Court. Please view the Trial transcript (Exhibit 11, pages 108 to 122) page 179 to 184. It is too much to reiterate alot here. This reveals that, Mr. Achtem’s had great difficulty getting out his argument which is based his exhibit 2A1. brought up in the middle of page 179 shows that Mr. Achtem was confused. But it was too late for him already because he forgot to enter too many exhibits early, and Justice Horner was not going to let him to enter anything as he had planned. Mr. Achtem argues that if he had not been terrified about the exhibits Ms. Achtem ambushed him with. He would have entered the Exhibits.

Letter sent MP, PM, MLA, Premier, CJC, AB Justice TMS-Regional

----- Original Message -----
From: Eddie Achtem
Cc: Miles Weatherall ;Registry-Greffe ; ; ; ; ;
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 10:09 AM
Subject: Fw: Attached is the Order -for Medicne hat QB 4808-009302

QB: 4808-9302
Appeal No. 0701-0232AC
SCC: 32805
Achtem v Achtem

To TMS-Regional:

Since there is still a major segment of verbatim missing, I require the audio of the I need the audio recordings for the Pre-trial which is less than 45 minutes on March 31, 2007. And I need the recording for aprox 6 hour on May 17, 2007.

I am assuming your going to alter the recordings or most probably the recording for the Trial has been altered before you had recieved it from the Medicine Hat Judicial District. So I'm going to take the recordings to be anylised by a recording expert claiming he will provide me with the proof that it's been altered, if altered. After I get the proof I will proceed to file an RCMP police complaint, and bring it to it to my MP, MLA, and the PM, and Premier. Because I know that verbatim is still missing, from those transripts and I will find out why...

Indeed it was altered. I feel somebody or a few someone's in Medine Hat is a criminal(s), responsible for maniplulating my case. Since you will only provid me a burn-copy, were is the original recording disc?

I cannot print of the Court Order Mile Weatherall sent me yesterday. Please accept the Order that was attached from Mile's e-mail. The Order is attached to Miles's e-mail.

How $$much$$ will this be? You already quoted me $10 dollars just for the 6 hour Trial on 1 disc. I want both the Pre-trial and Trial.

Above is to TMS-Regional and below the line is a Complaint sent to Steven Harper, Linda Duncan, Ed Stelmac, Gene Zwozdesky and CJC.


Supreme Court of Canada Judges Ian Binnie, Rosalie Siberman Abella, Louise Charron, are criminals that Committed Judicial Fraud when judging my case to Protect their Western Canadian Collegues Judicial FRAUD, because the 3 Judge appeal Panel came up with a fictional judgment. I have been victimized by the the judges for committing Judicial fraud to me. The 3-judge appeal panel stated in their judgement exhibits were adduced that could not be adduced, pursuant to Alberta Rule of Court 158.5(1)(e) – [Exhibit #7]. The 3-judge appeal panel - Carole Conrad, Peter Martin, and Alexander Park came of with a BS fictional reasons of judgment stating many more things other thans just stating new exhibits were adduced. I was deprived Sections 6 and 28 of the "Canada Evidence Act". These dam Judges committed fraude and me and my family are the Victims. Supreme Court of Canada Judges Ian Binnie, Rosalie Siberman Abella, Louise Charron, are criminals that Committed Fraud when judging my case to Protect their Western Canadian Collegues false intrigities because the 3 Judge appeal Panel came up with a fictional judgment. I have been victimized by the the judges for committing fraud to me. The 3-judge appeal panel stated in their judgement exhibits were adduced that could not be adduced, pursuant to Alberta Rule of Court 158.5(1)(e) – [Exhibit #7]. Therefore the 3-judge appeal panel - Carole Conrad, Peter Martin, and Alexander Park came of with a BS fictional reasons of judgment stating many more things other thans just stating new exhibits were adduced. I was deprived Sections 6 and 28 of the "Canada Evidence Act". These Judges committed Judicail fraud and Thus thowing me and my family into a pit of poverty. Me and my family are victims of Judical FRAUD.

Ian Binnie, Rosalie Siberman Abella, Louise Charron, Carole Conrad, Peter Martin, and Alexander Park are criminals that belong in JAIL doing HARD TIME times 3. Because of them being in a trust positions as judges. Karen Horner deserves to be kicked of the Bench for depriving me of the Sections 6.(1), 6(2), 28(1), and 28(2) of the Canada Evidence Act C-5, and for not being well versed on the Trial Parameters.

Since I was a witness in the witness box, who is suppored to Respect me and the integity of the Canada Evidence Act C-5?

If I could go back to the year 2003, to inform myself that so many judges victimize depriving so many justice on a mass scale for committing JUDICIAL FRAUD. By stepping over the boundaries of Law and/or the Rules of Court. Then the 2003 me would scream at the post 2004 me and say, "You're crazy, go get your head checked. That cannot happen in our country!"


Eddie Achtem
8751 - 96 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6C-2B1
Ph: 780-628-7295


You Tube:

CC: via e-mail Jpeg version sent to Mrs. Rhonda Sails/Ms. Achtem

CC'd: RCMP "K" division H.Q. via fax number 780-412-5508

CC: Court of Appeal of Alberta, Calgary via fax number 403-297-5294