SCC Judges Ian Binnie, Rosalie's Siberman Abella's, Louise Charron's, committed Judicial FRAUD to Protect their Collegues from committing Judicial FRAUD. Because the 3 Judge appeal Panel came up with a fictional judgment. Carole Conrad, Peter Martin, and Alexander Park came of with a BS fictional reasons of judgment stating many more things other thans just new exhibits I was AMBUSHED with were adduced. which could not be adduced.

Alison Redford has already committed the act of a Government Cover-up

Yes she has done a cover-up already with many other of her blood relatives, and her buddies.   Alison Redford and the entire PC and Liberal parties have carried out a government cover-up of me and my 2nd family, my 4 year old daughter of her's and doug Horner's Cousin Justice Karen Horner who has victimized me in the witness box at Trial.
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