SCC Judges Ian Binnie, Rosalie's Siberman Abella's, Louise Charron's, committed Judicial FRAUD to Protect their Collegues from committing Judicial FRAUD. Because the 3 Judge appeal Panel came up with a fictional judgment. Carole Conrad, Peter Martin, and Alexander Park came of with a BS fictional reasons of judgment stating many more things other thans just new exhibits I was AMBUSHED with were adduced. which could not be adduced.


Sent to
To: Senators: Tommy Bank, Bert Brown, Joyce Fairbairn, Elaine McCoy, Grant Mitchell, Claudette Tardif, Anne C. Cools.

To: PM Steven Harper, MP-Linda Duncan, Premier- Ed Stalmac, MLA-Hugh MacDonald.

To: Minister of Justice and Attorney Genera of Alberta -Alison Redford

To: Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada - Robert Nicholson

QB: 4808-9302
Appeal No. 0701-0232AC
SCC: 32805 Achtem v Achtem
Dear Sirs/Madames,

I have been deprive Justice because of judge stepping over the boundaries of Law and the Rules of Court. I am requesting that you all view the internet version of, Because I need you all to view the Hyper links as well. If I was to fax this it would be too much. Viewing the internet version of this makes my presentation niffy, and prevents you from have too much paper to sift through. The internet version of this is formatted differently to accommodate Blogspot parameters, but the text is the same. After reading this please view the blog version at,

The PM's office I was told that It does not block anyting so this email hyperlink formatted

Included with this is an e-mail I attempted to send, the email domain prohibits text with the word FRAUD from reaching you. Which is the reason why I set this up in Blog form for you all the view

These Judges belong in JAIL.

Supreme Court of Canada Judges Ian Binnie, Rosalie Siberman Abella, Louise Charron, are criminals that Committed Judicial Fraud when judging my case to Protect their Western Canadian Colleagues Judicial FRAUD, because the 3 Judge appeal Panel came up with a fictional judgment. Carole Conrad, Peter Martin, and Alexander Park came of with a BS fictional Memorandum of Judgment which was a FRAUD. Stating many more things other than just stating new exhibits I was AMBUSHED with were adduced, for which they could not be adduced.

I have MS resulting in brain damage, and I was ambushed with exhits at Trial, that could not be adduced. Therefore, other than me being deprived of Sec. 6 and 28 of the Canada Evidence Act C-5. The Fresh Exhibits were not with Trail Parameters. As it was agreed at Pre-trial. Well the agreement was not an agreement just vague instructions of what Justice Rawlins told the parties to Bring, Pursuant to Civil Practice Note 5 - Family Law Pre-trial Conferences. Old e-mail do not track or trace how my houses that were bought and sold and where it all went.